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S.O. 1361(E) [25.03.2022] Re-Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Neyyar and Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala (Malayalam version). [Disclaimer: "The contents of this publication are purely on the basis of submission made by the State Government of Kerala vide its letter No. KFDHQ/23824/2012(A)-CWW-WL3, dated 22/02/2023. In case there are any discrepancy in this Malayalam version, the English version of the draft ESZ Notification published vide S.O. No.1361(E) dated 25.03.2022 (ESZ around Neyyar and Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary) shall prevail."] |
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S.O 3072(E) dated 06.07.2022 Re-Draft Notification declaring Western Ghats Eco-sensitive Area (Malayalam version). [Disclaimer: " The contents of this publication are purely on the basis of submission made by the State Government of Kerala vide its letter No. A2/140/2022/Envt, dated 22/02/2023. In case there are any discrepancy in this Malayalam version, the English version of the draft ESA Notification published vide S.O 3072(E) dated 06.07.2022 (Western Ghats Eco-sensitive Area shall prevail."] |
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S.O. 3880(E) [27.10.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Silent Valley National Park, Kerala (Malayalam version) [Disclaimer: " The contents of this publication are purely on the basis of submission made by the State Government of Kerala vide its letter No. D2/85/2021/FWLD, dated 04/02/2022. In case there are any discrepancy in this Malayalam version, the English version of the draft ESZ Notification published vide S.O. No.3880(E) dated 27.10.2020 (ESZ around Silent Valley National Park) shall prevail."] |
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S.O. 2634(E) [05.08.2020] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Zone around Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala (Malayalam version) [Disclaimer: "The contents of this publication are purely on the basis of submission made by the State Government of Kerala vide its letter No. D2/85/2021/FWLD, dated 04/02/2022. In case there are any discrepancy in this Malayalam version, the English version of the draft ESZ Notification published vide S.O.No.2634(E) dated 05.08.2020 (ESZ around Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary) shall prevail."] |
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Ffith Draft Notification S. O. No. 3072(E) dated 06.07.2022 on ESA for Western Ghats ( 3318.76 KB ) |
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First Draft Notification S. O. No. 733 (E) dated 10.03.2014 on ESA for Western Ghats ( 2163.76 KB ) |
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Second Draft Notification S. O. No. 2435(E) dated 04.09.2015 on ESA for Western Ghats ( 3296.48 KB ) |
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Minutes of the meeting to discuss the Ecologically Sensitive Areas (ESA) of the Western Ghats held on 15th February, 2019. ( 148.87 KB ) |
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S.O. 5135(E) [03.10.201 8] Fourth Draft Notification dated 03.10.2018 on ESA for Western Ghats ( 3606.7 KB ) |
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Meeting on ESA of the Western Ghats held on 11th April, 2018 ( 171.18 KB ) |
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S. O. 667 (E) [28.02.201 7] Draft Notification declaring Eco Sensitive Area around Western Ghats, India ( 3135.63 KB ) |
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Minutes of the meeting of the Parliamentarian in Wesstern ghats held in 11.08.2016 ( 195.59 KB ) |
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Minutes of meetin g with Members of Parliament of Western Ghats Region held on 03.08.2015 ( 7194.62 KB ) |
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Minutes of review meeting with State Environment and Forest Ministers of Western Ghats Region held on 07.07.2015 ( 7928.34 KB ) |
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Amendment to the Direction issued under section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 w.r.t. Western Ghats on 13.11.2013 ( 1947.52 KB ) |
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HLWG-Repo rt-Part-2 ( 15937.91 KB ) |
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HLWG-Repo rt-Part-1_0 ( 7733.84 KB ) |
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Minutes of the Meeting of MPs of WGs Region held on 11.08.2016 ( 195.59 KB ) |
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Constitution of Expert Committee to assess the Carrying Capacity of Western Ghats region in Karnataka
(i) Order (196.66 KB)(ii) Amendment to the Order ( 9.13 KB ) |
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Minutes of the meeting to discuss the Ecologically Sensitive Areas (ESA) of the Western Ghats held on 15th February, 2019. ( 148.87 KB ) |
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Sixth Draft Notification S. O. No. 3060(E) dated 31.07.2024 for Western Ghats ( 4.85 MB ) |