1. |
Allotment offunds for expenditure on behalf of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change for Repair/Renovation of 06 Nos. Type-V Residential Qtr. at IGNFA, Dehradun (335 KB). |
2. |
Allotment of funds for expenditure on behalf of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change for Management of Pitti Bird Sanctuary and GIS Cell, Conservation of Marine dolphins (CMM), Mitigation of Human-Turtle conflict, Marine Wildlife Protection Watchers and Arabian sea Humpback under CSS- ‘Development of wildlife Habitats’ -UT of Lakshadweep (395 KB). |
3. |
Allotment of funds for expenditure on behalf of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change for to Bureau of Outreach and Communication (BOC), Ministry of Information & Broadcasting for issuing of advertisements in the Newspapers/Employment News and Publishing (385 KB). |
4. |
Publication of advertisement in the National Dailies (Pan India), in English and Hindi each, and Employment News / Rozgar Samachar for inviting applications for engagement of Senior Consultant (Legal) on contractual basis in MoEF&CC (319 KB). |
5. |
Securing livelihoods, conservation, sustainable use and restoration of high range Himalayan ecosystems, SECYRE Himalaya Project 00096606 reg (304 KB). |
6. |
Repair Work in Old Hostel at IGNFA, Dehradun during 2022-23 (321 KB). |
7. |
Vanity Counter work & other work at Terrace of VVIP Guest House at IGNFA, Dehradun during 2022-23 (320 KB). |
8. |
Construction of Parking Shed for Type-V Qrtrs at Litchibagh, IGNFA, Dehradun during 2022-23 (315 KB). |
9. |
Providing tiling work at CD Office floor in IGNFA main Building, Dehradun during 2022-23 (312 KB). |
10. |
Providing & fixing GRG False ceiling in Guest House Lounge at IGNFA, Dehradun during 2022-23 (295 KB). |
11. |
Providing & fixing of False ceiling in EC Mobbs Examination Hall of Main Building of Academy at IGNFA, Dehradun during 2022-23 (306 KB). |
12. |
Renovation of Director’s Residence at IGNFA, Dehradun during 2022-23 (302 KB). |
13. |
Providing Aluminium Partitions in CD Office at Academy Library Building, Dehradun during 2022-23 (306 KB). |
14. |
Repair work of Overhead Water Tank and providing water proofing treatment to the existing water tank at the residential colony of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change at Doresanipalya, Bangalore (377 KB). |
15. |
Publication of advertisement in the National Dailies (Pan India), in English and Hindi each, and Employment News / Rozgar Samachar for inviting applications for engagement of Associates (Legal) on contractual basis in MoEF&CC (441 KB). |
16. |
Publication of advertisement in the National Dailies (Pan India), in English and Hindi each, and Employment News / Rozgar Samachar for inviting applications for engagement of Associates (Legal) on contractual basis in MoEF&CC (435 KB). |
17. |
Publication of black and white advertisement in the National Dailies (Pan India), in English and Hindi each, and Employment News / Rozgar Samachar for inviting applications for recruitment to the post of Expert Member in the National Green Tribunal (436 KB). |
18. |
Annual repair and maintenance of internal EI and Fans, open well pump sets in the pump House, lEI & fans in residential quarters and street lights installed in the residential quarters campus and guest house at Yercaud, SRC, Coimbatore for the year 2022-23. (45 KB). |
19. |
Publication of an advertisement in the National Dailies, in English and Hindi, having wide circulation for inviting comments/suggestions from all stakeholders on the proposal for amendment in The Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 with regard to decriminalization of the existing panel provisions of the said Act”, during FY 2022-23.
(40 KB). |
20. |
Publishing of Half-page colour advertisement in daily National and Regional Newspaper in English, Hindi and regional languages on 2nd July, 2022 to spread awareness on ban on Single Use Plastic (SUP)”, during FY 2022- 23.
(41 KB). |
21. |
Letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/297 dated 05-07-2022 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 1,16,13,000/- (Rs. One Crore Sixteen Lakhs Thirteen Thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Office (SZ), CPWD,Ministry of Urban Development, Chennai, under Demand No. 28, Major Head 4406, Head of Account 4406. Major Works for F.Y. 2022- 23 towards
(45 KB). |
22. |
Letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/297 dated 05-07-2022 of Civil Construction Unit MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 5,82,88,000/- (Rs. Five Crore Eighty Two Lakhs Eighty Eight Thousand only),at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Office (NEZ), CPWD,Ministry of Urban Development, Shillong, under Demand No. 28, Major Head 4406, Head of Account 4406. Major Works for F.Y. 2022-23 towards.
(42 KB). |
23. |
Letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2020-21/299 dated 05-07-2020 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 18,81,000/- (Rs. Eighteen lalchs Eighty One Thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Office (NZ), CPWD,Ministry of Urban Development, IL IC Puram, New Delhi, under Demand No. 28, Major Head 4406, Head of Account 4406. Major Works for F.Y.
2022-23 towards (36 KB). |
24. |
Letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2020-21/299 dated 05-07-2020 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 18,73,467/- (Rs. Eighteen lakhs Seventy Three Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Seven only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Office (NZ), CPWD,Ministry of Urban Development, R. K. Puram, New Delhi, under Demand No. 28, Major Head 4406, Head of Account 4406. Major Works for F.Y. 2022-23.
(30 KB). |
25. |
Pulishing of advertisement (press communique) in leading newspapers both in English and Hindi for seeking comments of stakeholders on the propsal for amendment in The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution Act, 1974 (45 KB). |
26. |
Pulishing of advertisement (press communique) in leading newspapers both in English and Hindi for seeking comments of stakeholders on the propsal for amendment in The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution Act, 1981. (40 KB). |
27. |
Issuing of advertisements in the Newspapers/Employment News andPublishing/Printing of table calenders for promoting environmental awareness (40 KB). |
28. |
Special repairs to existing building of Zoological Survey of India Andaman and Nicobar Regional Centre, Port Blair.. (30 KB). |
29. |
Construction of additional building of new laboratory-cum-training centre for ZSI, Southern Regional Centre, Chennai (41 KB). |
30. |
RMO 380 KVA, 250 KVA, 125 KVA & 62.5 KVA DG Sets i/c Procurement of Diesel at IGNFA, Dehradun” during 2022-23. (40 KB). |
31. |
RMO Pump sets at 1GNFA residential Complex at Dehradun” during 2022-23 (44 KB). |
32. |
Letter NO. 477-2022/20.13 Dated 16.06.2022 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 24,55,000/- (Rs Twenty Four Lakh Fifty Five Thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 28, Major Head 2406, Head of Account2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2022-23
. (43 KB). |
33. |
Upgradation/renovation of Type VI/3 Residential at LitchiBagh Colony, IGNFA at Dehradun (41 KB). |
34. |
Construction of (T III-04), (T III-06), (T IV-02) & (T-V-02) Nos. residential quarters (D/S) including internal water supply, sanitary E/1 & development works at AZRC, Jodhpur” for F.Y 2022-23.
(45 KB). |
35. |
Dubbing of 2D animated Video of Prakariti the mascot of Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate change and 2 Videos on Single Use Plastic in 19 Languages including English during financial year 2022-23. (44 KB). |
36. |
Letter No.D-11013/1/2017-GA dated 18-05-2022 you are here by request to issues a letter of authority to pay and Account Officer(NDZ ), M/o Urban Development CPWD 2nd Floor A Wing IP Bhawan New Delhi to incur and Expenditure of Rs. 214043 (RS. Two Lakh Fourteen thousand Forty Three Only)under Demand No. 28 Major Head 3451, Head of Account 3451. Minor Works. (42 KB). |
37. |
Renovation work (Civil) of mahanadi conference hall in IPB during FY 2022-23. (44 KB). |
38. |
Publication of advertisement in newspapers regarding appointment for the post of director in Ministry of Environment, Forest and climate change. (41 KB). |
39. |
Publications of advertisement in Newspapers regarding engagement of consultants in the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change. (424 KB). |
40. |
letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/61 dated 22/02/2022 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 40,00,000/- (Rs. Forty lakh only), at the
disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (SZ), Ministry of Urban Development CPWD, Chennai, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425.00208.13.02.53- Major Works for F.Y 2021-22. (124 KB). |
41. |
letter No.54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/62 dated 22/02/2022 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 10,05,000/- (Rs. Ten latch Five Thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay& Accounts Office (WZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development Mumbai,under Demand No. 27, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y 2021-22. (224 KB). |
42. |
Filling up of the post of the Financial Advisor and Chief Account Officer (FA&CAO) of the rank of Director in the National Authority, CAMPA. (421 KB). |
43. |
AR & MO to Residential and Non-Residential Building in BSI, AZRC Campus, Jodhpur during financial year 2021-22. (323 KB). |
44. |
Repairing of work in molecular Laboratory atEntibuilding (4th Floor) within the AJCBIBG Campus, Howrah during financial year 2021-22. (522 KB). |
45. |
Renovation of admin office Room No. 1 of office building of Botanicial Survey of India, Central Regional Centre, Pryagraj, Allahabad during financial year 2021-22. (221 KB). |
46. |
Making 3 nos Cubical of two officers chamber at Botanical Survey of India, headquarter, Kolkata during Financial year 2021-22. (415 KB). |
47. |
Renovation of Admin office, Room No. 1 at Botanical Survey of India, Central Region Centre, Prayagraj, Allahabad during financial year 2021-22. (215 KB). |
48. |
letter NO.1847/M1T-2022120.13 Dated 21/01/2022 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 1,72,640/- (Rs One Lakh Seventy Thousand Six Hundred Forty only), at the
disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (422 KB). |
49. |
letter NO.1848/M1T-2022/20A 3 Dated 21/01/2022 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 4,80,000/- (Rs Four Lakh Eighty Thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (322 KB). |
50. |
letter No. NGT/PB/05/GA/2018/43 dated 29/01/2022 of National Green Tribunal, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 30,00,000/- (Rs. Thirty Lakhs only), at the disposal of the Pay and Accounts Officer (NDZ), M/o Urban Development, CPWD, 2nd Floor, A-Wing, I.PBhawan, New Delhi,under Demand No. 27, Major Head 3435, Head of Account 3435. towards payment of wages to the maintenance staff and annual maintenance of electrical equipments, fans, lights, W.T./Split AC, KVA DG Set Gire fighting system & pump Set etc at NGT, PB; Faridkot House during FY 2021-22. (522 KB). |
51. |
letter No. BSI-1/112021-Admn.(ANRC) Dated: 23.07.2021 of Botanical Survey of India, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to place an amount to the extent of Rs. 6,30,992/-I- (Rs. Six Iakhs thirty thousand nine hundred ninty two only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (EZ), Ministry of Urban Development, CPWD, Nizam Palace Complex, 234/4, AJC Bose Road, Kolkata- 700020 (PAO Code043460), under Demand No. 27, Major Head, 3435, Head of Account 3435. — Minor Works towards `MOEI and fans, RMO water supply pump sets, compound lights etc. in main office building and Admn. Building of ANRC, Port Blair for the year 2021-22. (524 KB). |
52. |
letter NO. 6(10)/61/Admit. Dated 13.01.2022 of IRO, Banglore, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 8,50,000 /- (Rs Eight lac Fifty thousand nly), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (Si), Ministry of Urban Development, CPWD, Rajaji Bhawan, Besant Nagar Chennai-600090(PAO Code-043951), under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (488 KB). |
53. |
letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/49 dated 07-02-2022 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 50,00,000/- (Rs. Fifty Lacs only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Office (NEZ), CPWD,Ministry of Urban Development, Shillong, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 4406, Head of Account 4406. Major Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (455 KB). |
54. |
letter No. AcctLIII(01)/ROC/2014-15/518 dated 04.02.2022 of MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 4,00,000/- (Rs Four Lacs Only), at the disposal of Pay and Accounts Officer(NZ), CPWD, East Block, Level-6, RK. Puram, New Delhi (PAO Code- 043335) under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account2406. Minor Works For F. Y. 2021-22. (255 KB). |
55. |
Publication of black and white advertisement in national dailies (pan india) in English and Hindi newspapers and Employment News during financial year 2021-22. (455 KB). |
56. |
filling up of the post of 02 Consultations(Forestry & Wildlife), 01 Consultant(Under Secretary), 01 Consultant(Sr. Accounts Officer) and 01 Consultant(Section Officer) in National Authority. (155 KB). |
57. |
Repairing of Road between Curator office to Bamboo Setum (Phase-11) at AJCBIBG, Shibpur, Howrah during financial year 2021-22. (255 KB). |
58. |
Filling up of 02 Consultants, Consultant A and Consultant B each, on contract basis for Circular Economy – publication of vacancy circular in the Employment News/Rojgar Samachar- during financial year 2021-22. (254 KB). |
59. |
letter No. PRAO/MOEF/ACCOUNTS/AUTHORITY DEL-107/2021-22/8290-98 dated 17-01-2022, Object Head may be read as 2406. instead of 3435. Advertising & Publication. Demand No. is 27 for F. Y. 2021-22. (344 KB). |
60. |
De weeding of Prain Lake and King Lake in AJCBIBG, Shibpur, Howrah during financial year 2021-22. (244 KB). |
61. |
Repairing of guest house of AJCBIBG, Shibpur , Howrah during financial year 2021-22. (253 KB). |
62. |
ARMO of water supply and sanitary works of non-residentail building at AJCBIBG during 2021-22. (353 KB). |
63. |
RMO automatic Fire Alarm system in Central National herbarium Building, Howrah during 2021-22. (123 KB). |
64. |
RMO substation and electrical installation in Central national Herbarium Building, Howrah during 2021-22. (223 KB). |
65. |
RNIO 1 No. Lift in Central national herbarium Building, Howrah, during 2021-22. (323 KB). |
66. |
letter No. 1-7/2015-ROC/731 dated 18.11.2021 of MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 3,98,196/- (Rs Three Lac Ninety Eight Thousand One Hundred Ninety Six Only), under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account2406. Minor Works For F. Y. 2021-22. (144 KB). |
67. |
letter No.1-36/2020 WL (Part-I) dated 05/01-2022 of Wildlife Division, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs.96,991/- (Rs. Ninety Six thousand Nine Hundred Ninety One only), at the disposal of the Pay &Accounts Office, Bureau of Outreach and Communication (BOC), Ministry of Information & Broadcasting Soochana Bhawan, Scope Complex, New Delhi-3,under Demand No. 27, Major Head 3435,Head of Account 3435. and Publicity towards advertisement in Newspapers regarding engagement of consultants in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change” (256 KB). |
68. |
letter No.54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/07 dated 06/01/2022 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. ‘5.00.000/- (Rs. five lakh only), at the disposal of the Pay& Accounts Office (EZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, Kolkata, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y 2021-22. (184 KB). |
69. |
Horticulture work at Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, MoEFCC, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi, during FY 2021-22. (284 KB). |
70. |
Second instalment of Annual requirement for electrical work at IPB. during the Financial Year 2021-22. (424 KB). |
71. |
Securing Livelihoods, Conservation, sustainable use and restoration of high range Himalayan ecosystems in Ladakh during the FY 2021-22. (124 KB). |
72. |
Second instalment of Annual requirement for civil work at Indira Paryawaran Bhawan, during FY 2021-22. (125 KB). |
73. |
letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/714 dated 28-12-2021 of Civil Construction Unit MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs 40,93,193/- (Rs forty lakh Ninety Three thousand One hundred ninety three only), under Demand No. 27, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y 2021-22. (155 KB). |
74. |
Publication of advertisement in 3 leading Hindi & English newspapers by CAQM during financial year 2021-22. (255 KB). |
75. |
letter No. 11-5-2019-NMNH dated 20-12-2021 of National Museum of Natural History, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs 1-7,64,370 /- (Rs Seventeen lakh sixty
four thousand three hundred seventy only), at the disposal of the Pay &Accounts Officer, CPWD (SZ), Ministry of Urban Development, Rajaji Bhawan, Beasant Nagar, Chennaiunder Demand No. 27, Major Head 3435, Head of Account 3435. towards Garden maintenance attached to RMNH, Mysore during FY 2021-22. (165 KB). |
76. |
letter No.54(Auth)/CED-UCCU/2021-22/670 dated 03/12/2021 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 25,00,000/- (Rs. Twenty Five lakh only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (SZ), Ministry of Urban Development, CPWD, Rajaji Bhawan, Besant Nagar Chennai600090, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 4406, Head of Account 4406.— Major Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (128 KB). |
77. |
letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/692 dated 15-12-2021 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs -60,38,692/- (Rs Sixty lakh Thirty Eight thousand six hundred ninety two only), under Demand No. 27, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for EY 2021-22. (155 KB). |
78. |
letter No.
NGT/PB/04/GA/2018/Pt/616 dated 10-11-2021 of National Green Tribunal, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 17,86,400/- (Rs. Seventeen lakh eighty eight thousand eight hundred only), at the disposal of the Pay and Accounts Officer (NDZ), M/o Urban Development, CPWD, 2nd Floor, A-Wing, I.PBhawan, New Delhi,under Demand No. 27, Major Head 3435, Head of Account 3435.01.001.04A14.27 towards day to day maintenance staff and supply of material for attending day to day complaints and minor routine maintenance works at NGT Faridkot House. during FY 2021-22. (353 KB). |
79. |
Repair of library toilet, replacement of damaged profile sheet and some major repair work at NGT Building during FY 2021-22. (153 KB). |
80. |
Maintenance of garden area attached to NGT, PB, Faridkot House during FY 2021-22. (253 KB). |
81. |
letter No. PRAO/MOEF&CC/A/Cs/AUTF1ORITY. Ko1.52/2021-22/7412-19 dated 08.12.2021 , you are hereby authorized to place an amount to the extent of Rs. 5,30,000/- (Rs. Five lakh thirty thousands only ), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Officer, South Zone, CPWD, Rajaji Bhawan, Beasant Nagar, Chennai-600090 (PAO Code-043951), under Demand No. 27, Major Head, 3435, Head of Account 3435. – Minor Works towards ‘providing fixing Zebra Roller Blinds at DRC BSI , Hyderabad, for the financial year during 2021-22. (118 KB). |
82. |
letter No. PRAO/MOEF&CC/A/Cs/AUTHORITY. Ko1.39/2021-22/ 7273-80 dated 06.12.2021, you are hereby authorized to place an amount to the extent of Rs. 13,25,200/- (Rs. Thirteen lakh twenty five thousand two hundred only ), at the disposal of the The Pay and Accounts Officer, PAO(NZ), CPWD, Level-6, East block, R.K Puram, New Delhi-110066 (PAO Code-043335), under Demand No. 27, Major Head, 3435, Head of Account 3435. — Minor Works towards providing and fixing dPVC flooring/vitrified tiles in Library and Corridor at, NRC, Kaulagarh Road, dehradun , for the financial year during 2021-21. (118 KB). |
83. |
letter No. PRAO/MOEF&CC/A/Cs/AUTHOR1TY. Ko1.54/2021-22/7428-35 dated 08.12.2021, you are hereby authorized to place an amount to the extent of Rs. 15,17,400/- (Rs. Fifteen lakh seventeen thousand four hundreds only ), at the disposal of the The Pay and Accounts Officer, PAO(NZ), CPWD, Level-6, East block, R.K Puram, New Delhi-110066 (PAO Code- 043335), under Demand No. 27, Major Head, 3435, Head of Account 3435. — Minor Works towards water proofing treatment of roof central portion of office building at NRC, Kaulagarh Road, dehradun, for the financial year during 2021-22. (238 KB). |
84. |
letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/681 dated 06/12/2021 of Civil Construction Unit,MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 30,00,000/- (Rs. Thirty Iakh only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (SZ), Ministry of Urban Development, CPWD, Chennai, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y 2021-22. (138 KB). |
85. |
Mahatma Gandhi Marine National park, Mount Harriet National Park, Lohabarrack Crocodile Sanctuary,Rani Jhasi Marine National Park, Saddle Peak National Park, Cuthbert Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and Interview Island sanctuary— Andaman & Nicobar Islands during the FY 2021-22. (238 KB). |
86. |
Providing peripheral water supply line for office and residential building at AZRC, Jodhpur during 2021-22. (338 KB). |
87. |
Repairing of terrace of office building to arrest rain water seepage thorugh slabs and walls at SRC, Coimbatore during 2021-22. (138 KB). |
88. |
MOEI including Compound Light, Sub-station equipments in the office and residential complex of SHRC, BSI Gangtok during 2021-22. (128 KB). |
89. |
Construction of parking shed for DG set at WRC Pune during financial year 2021-22. (138 KB). |
90. |
letter No. BSI-1/1/2021-Adam. (NRC-2) Dated: 13.07.2021 of Biological Survey of India, MoEF &CC, you are hereby authorized to place an amount to the extent of Rs. 15,17,4001-(Rs. Fifteen lakh seventeen thousand four hundreds only ), at the disposal of the The Pay and Accounts Officer, PAO(NZ), CPWD, Level-6, East block, R.K Puram, New Delhi-110066 (PAO Code-043335), under Demand No. 27, Major Head, 3435, Head of Account 3435. — Minor Works towards water proofing treatment of roof central portion of office building at NRC, Kaulagarh Road, dehradun , for the financial year during 2021-21. (122 KB). |
91. |
Providing fixing Zebra Roller Blinds at DRC BSI , Hyderabad, for the financial year during 2021-22. (148 KB). |
92. |
MOEI & fans, street lights including repairs and maintenance of pump set and 40 KV DG Set of SRC, Coimbatore during 2021-22. (148 KB). |
93. |
Repairing of Jitendra Memorial Hall at AJCBIBG during 2021-22. (248 KB). |
94. |
Construction of one lady toilet in Curator office at AJCBIBG during 2021-22. (148 KB). |
95. |
MOEI & fans,street lights including repairs and maintenance of pump sets at staff quarters of SRC, Coimbatore during 2021-22. (218 KB). |
96. |
Annual repair and maintenance of Internal EI and Fans, open well pump sets in the pump house, 1E1 & fans in residential quarters and street lights installed in the residential quarters campus and guest at SRC, Coimbatore during 2021-22. (118 KB). |
97. |
Repairing maintenance including water supply and sanitary works at CNH building during 2021-22. (122 KB). |
98. |
construction of cemented pitch for the use of open car parking at CNN building during 2021-22. (118 KB). |
99. |
letter No. 31T.a.B/BSI-1/1/2020-Admn.(NRC-1) Dated: 01.07.2021 of Botanical Survey of India, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to place an amount to the extent of Rs. 19,51,504/-(Rs Nineteen Lakh Fifty-one Thousands Five Hundred Four only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (NR Zone), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, Block-IV, R.K. Puram, New Delhi (PAO Code-043335), under Demand No. 27, Major Head,3435, Head of Account 3435. — Minor Works towards `RMO 2 x 70 TR AC Plant at NRC, Dehradun’ during 2021-22. (218 KB). |
100. |
Maintenance of E.I & Fans including RMO Street Light, Pumps residential area at Botanical Survey of India, Central Regional Centre, Allahabad during 2021-22. (218 KB). |
101. |
Minor Works towards ‘A/R & M/O for the Office Building at BSI, ERC, Shillong’ during financial year 2021-22. (218 KB). |
102. |
MOEI & Fans including RMO DG Set, Sub-station in non-residential area at Botanical Survey of India, Central Regional Centre, Allahabad during 2021-22. (125 KB). |
103. |
letter No.
8-11.q.TUBSI-1/1/2020-Admn.(ERC-2) Dated: 01.07.2020 of BotanicalSurvey of India, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs 13,41,600/-(Rs Thirteen lakh Forty-one thousand Six Hundred only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office, NR Zone (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, Block-IV, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110022 (PAO Code-043335), under Demand No. 27, Major Head, 3435, Head of Account 3435. — Minor Works towards `A/R & M/O to the Residential Quarters at Botanical Survey of India,ERC,Shillong during 2021-22. (125 KB). |
104. |
‘Construction of RCC structure providing PVC overhead tank and laying of G.I pipeline adjacent to Rosarium at AJCBIBG during 2021-22. (125 KB). |
105. |
Minor Works towards ‘Digital Survey of land, soil testing for feasibility of construction of new building at HAWHRC, Solan Himachal Pradesh” during 2021-22. (125 KB). |
106. |
Minor Works towards `MOEI & Fans, compound light & RMO Pump Set of residential colony at NRC, Dehradun’ during 2021-22. (115 KB). |
107. |
Minor Works towards providing and fixing dPVC flooring/vitrified tiles in Library and Corridor at, NRC, Kaulagarh Road, dehradun, for the financial year during 2021-22. (218 KB). |
108. |
letter No. 14(5)/2016-17/RGELMNH/SMP dated 29.11.2021 of NMNH, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs.23,74,802/- (Rs Twenty Three Lakh Seventy Four Thousand Eight Hundred Two only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 3435, Head of Account 3435.— Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (180 KB). |
109. |
Repairing of road from Curator office to bamboosatum (phase-1) at AJCBIBG during 2021-22 duringfinancial year 2021-22. (118 KB). |
110. |
letter NO.1395/Tra31-2021/20.13 Dated 11.11.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 35,00,000/- (Rs Thirty Five Lakh only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (28 KB). |
111. |
letter NO.1396/t113T-2021/20.13 Dated 11.11.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 3,50,000/- (Rs Three Lakh Fifty Thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay
Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (155 KB). |
112. |
letter NO.1397M 13T-2021/20.13 Dated 11.11.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC,you are hereby authorized torelease an amount to the extent of Rs. 1,50,000/- (Rs One Lakh Fifty Thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (189 KB). |
113. |
Garden maintenance attached to RMNH, Mysore during FY 2021-22. (18 KB). |
114. |
Release of funds to the UT of Chandigarh under CSS: Forest Fire Prevention & Management Scheme for financial year 2021-22- Reimbursement of Inward Claim of APO 2020-21 for the FY 2021-22. (17 KB). |
115. |
Publication of black and white advertisement for inviting applications for filling up the posts of Judicial Members in the NGT in the National Dailies (Pan India), in English and Hindi each, in the capital of each State/UT and Employment News” during financial year 2021-22. (20 KB). |
116. |
Running maintenance of DG Set, Sub-station, Pump Set, AC Plant, EPABX System at buildings of RM NH, Bhopal” during F.Y 2021-22. (16 KB). |
117. |
Conservation of Arabian Sea Humpback Whale under the component ‘Recovery programme for saving critically endangered species of CSS- ‘Development of Wildlife Habitats’ -UT of Lakshadweep” during the FY 2021-22. (20 KB). |
118. |
Letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/582 dated 08-10-2021 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs ‘50,00,000/- (Rs Fifty lakh only), under Demand No. 27, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y 2021-22. (20 KB). |
119. |
Letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/582 dated 08-10-2021 of Civil Construction Unit MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs 13,29,323F (Rs Thirteen lakh twenty nine thousand three hundred twenty three only), under Demand No. 27, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y 2021-22. (20 KB). |
120. |
Letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/547 dated 22-09-2021 of Civil Construction Unit MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 1,78,99,000/- (Rs. One crore seventy eight lakhs ninety nine thousand only), under Demand No. 27, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y 2021-22. (20 KB). |
121. |
Letter No.NMNH-01/12/2019-NMNH/59 dated 21-09-2021 of National Museum of Natural History, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of RS.27,90,635/- (Rs Twenty seven lakh ninety thousand six hundred thirty five only), under Demand No. 27, Major Head 3435, Head of Account 3435. for financial year 2021-22 (20 KB). |
122. |
Letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/582 dated 08-10-2021 of Civil Construction Unit MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs 17,65,000/- (Rs Seventeen lakh sixty five thousand only), under Demand No. 27, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y 2021-22. (20 KB). |
123. |
APO for the Marine Wildlife Protection Watchers and establishment of Temporary Anti-poaching camps (uninhabitated Island) in all the Protected Areas (PAs) of Lakshadweep under CSS- ‘Development of Wildlife Habitats’ -UT of Lakshadweep” during the FY 2021-22. (20 KB). |
124. |
Renovation of office museum for civil work at BSI, WRC, Pune. (20 KB). |
125. |
Providing manpower for day to day repair/maintenance/operation of electrical items inside the
office and residential building and provision for comprehensive maintenance of split/window type AC of nonresidential buildings of Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change at IRO, Bhubaneswar for F.Y. 2021-22. (20 KB). |
126. |
Letter No.54(Auth.)/CED4/CCU/2021-22/510 dated 03-09-2021 of Civil Construction Unit MoEF&CC, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 4406, Head of Account 4406. Major Works for F.Y.2021-22. (37 KB). |
127. |
Letter No.54(Auth.)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/510 dated 03-09-2021 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 1,43,74,000/- (Rs. One crore fourty three lakh seventy four only), under Demand No. 27, Major Head 4406, Head of Account 4406. Major Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (21 KB). |
128. |
Conservation of Marine Dolphin (All Marine Mammals) of Lakshadweep Waters under the component ‘Recovery programme for saving critically endangered species’ of CSS- ‘Development of Wildlife Habitats’ -UT of Lakshadweep” during the FY 2021-22. (21 KB). |
129. |
Letter No.54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/520 dated 07-09-2021 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 25,00,000/- (Rs. Twenty five lakh only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (SZ), Ministry of Urban Development, CPWD, Rajaji Bhawan, Besant Nagar Chennai-600090, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (22 KB). |
130. |
Letter No.13-1/2012-13/NMNH/Admn/25 dated 06-08-2021 of National Museum of Natural History, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs.50,000/- (Rs. Fifty thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay &Accounts Office, Bureau of Outreach and Communication (BOC), Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Soochana Bhawan, Scope Complex, New Delhi-3,under Demand No. 27, Major Head 3435, Head of Account 3435. (19 KB). |
131. |
Letter No.54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/467 dated 11-08-2021 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 4,97,000/- (Rs. Four lakh ninety seven thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (SZ), Ministry of Urban Development, CPWD, Rajaji Bhawan, Besant Nagar Chennai-600090, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 4406, Head of Account 4406. Major Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (20 KB). |
132. |
Horticulture work at Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, MoEF&CC, at Aliganj, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi, during FY 2021-22. (19 KB). |
133. |
Letter No.54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/471 dated 13-08-2021 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 48,60,483/- (Rs. Fourty eight lakh sixty thousand four hundred eighty three only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (SZ), Ministry of Urban Development, CPWD, Rajaji Bhawan, Besant Nagar Chennai-600090, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (21 KB). |
134. |
Operation and maintenance of civil work at Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, MoEF & CC, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi, during FY 2021-22. (19 KB). |
135. |
Letter No. D-11031/1/2017-GA dated 13-08-2021, You are hereby requested to issue a authority letter of to Pay and Accounts Officer (NDZ), M/o Urban Development, CPWD, 2nd Floor, A-Wing, IT Bhawan, New Delhi to incur an expenditure oats. 2,70,00,000/- (Rs.Two Crore seventy lakh only) under Demand No. 27, Major Head 3451, Head of Account 3451. – Minor Works during FY 2021-22. (19 KB). |
136. |
Type-III (10 numbers), Type-V (4 numbers). and Type-VI (01 No.) quarters at Central Academy for State Forest Service (CASFOS) Burnihat , Assam. (19 KB). |
137. |
Providing installation and testing and commissioning of 62.5 KVA silent type DG set at DRC, Jodhpur, ZSI” for F.Y 2021-22 (19 KB). |
138. |
Letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/434 dated 30-07-2021 of Civil Construction Unit MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 40,00,000/- (Rs. Fourty lakh only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Office (NEZ), CPWD,Ministry of Urban Development, Shillong, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 4406, Head of Account 4406. Major Works for F.Y. 2021-22 towards. (25 KB). |
139. |
Repair and renovation of the office and auditorium (party) and other section in CASFoS, Burnihat (19 KB). |
140. |
Repair and renovation of the office and auditorium (party) and other section in CASFoS, Burnihat (19 KB) |
141. |
Financial assistance under CSS- ‘Development of Wildlife Habitats’ for Management of Pitti Bird Sanctuary, Lakshadweep ” during the FY 2021-22. (20 KB). |
142. |
Construction of boundary wall for the residential campus (Type-III/10 nos.), (Type-V, 04 Nos.), (Type- VI/01 No. Quarters) for Central Academy for State Forest Service, Burnihat in Meghalaya side. (20 KB). |
143. |
Upgradation & Renovation of E & M services in the office cum Lab at WRC, BSI, Pune. (19 KB). |
144. |
Upgradation of office building of BSI, WRC Koregaon Park, Pune. (23 KB). |
145. |
Construction of Back side boundary was in Assam side for the CASFOS Academy campus at Burnihat, Assam. (20 KB). |
146. |
Mitigating Human-turtle conflict in UT of Lakshdweep under the component- Protection of Wildlife Outside Protected Areas of CSS- ‘Development of Wildlife Habitats’ -UT of Lakshadweep” during the FY 2021-22. (20 KB). |
147. |
Conservation of Marine & Wildlife Resoures includes marine Flora & Fauna,Especially Dolphins, Sea Turtels (GIS Cell) of Lakshadweep water under the component ‘Recovery programme for saving critically endangered species’ of CSS- ‘Development of Wildlife Habitats’ -UT of Lakshadweep” during the FY 2021-22. (25 KB). |
148. |
Construction of CC Road with retaining wall towards T-V, T-VI Quarters at CASFOS, Burnihat, Assam. (20 KB). |
149. |
Preparation of soil investigation report architectural drawing and structural Drawing for the proposed new hostel building of 40 rooms at CASFOS, Burnihat, Assam. (20 KB). |
150. |
Renovation of existing tranees hostel at Central Academy for State Forest Service, Burnihat, Assam (SH: Granite Flooring in the remaining portionof the existing trainees hostel building covering of roof by G.I. Sheet, Cup -board, internal & external’ painting and aluminium work & special repair of internal El and fans). (23 KB). |
151. |
Replacement of Wooden flooring with PVC flooring in the office of the Director Forest Education Dehradun for F.Y 2021-22. (18 KB). |
152. |
Letter NO. 329/2021/20.13 dated 25.06.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 66,500/- (Rs Sixty six thousand five hundred only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (19 KB). |
153. |
Letter NO. 330/2021/20.13 dated 25.06.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 3,20,000/- (Rs Three lakh twenty thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (18 KB). |
154. |
Letter NO. 332/2021/20.13 dated 25.06.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 3,50,000/- (Rs Three lakh fifty thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (20 KB). |
155. |
Letter NO. 486/2019/20.13 Dated 14.07.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 8,41,000/- (Rs Eight Lakh Fourty one thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (20 KB). |
156. |
Letter NO. 481/2019/20.13 Dated 14.07.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 22,20,000/- (Rs Twenty two lakh twenty thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (19 KB). |
157. |
Letter NO. 323/2021/20.13 dated 25.06.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 95,000/- (Rs Ninety five thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (19 KB). |
158. |
Letter NO. 324/2021/20.13 dated 25.06.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 4,00,000/- (Rs Four lakh only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (19 KB). |
159. |
Letter NO. 331/2021/20.13 dated 25.06.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 14,09,500/- (Rs Fourteen lakh nine thousand five hundred only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (19 KB). |
160. |
Letter NO. 325/72021/20.13 dated 25.06.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 3,43,000/- (Rs Three lakh fourty three thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (20 KB). |
161. |
Letter NO. 326/2021/20.13 dated 25.06.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rs One lakh only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (19 KB). |
162. |
Letter NO. 328/2021/20.13 dated 25.06.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rs Five lakh only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (19 KB). |
163. |
Letter NO. 483/2019/20.13 Dated 14.07.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 17,70,000/- (Rs Seventeen lakh seventy thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22.. (21 KB). |
164. |
Letter NO. 482/2019/20.13 Dated 14.07.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 26,08,000/- (Rs Twenty six lakh eight thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (21 KB). |
165. |
Letter NO. 327/2021/20.13 dated 25.06.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rs Five lakh only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (21 KB). |
166. |
RMO 3nos. Johnson make 13 passenger lifts for ZSI. New Alipore, Kolkata’ during financial year 2021-22. (17 KB). |
167. |
A/R & M/0 for ZSI office-cum-laboratory main building, annex building (New Alipore) for the financial year 2021-22. (19 KB). |
168. |
Repairing, finishing and painting of staircase and corridors from ground to 5th floor of main office building (interior only) at ZSI, New Alipore, Kolkata’ during financial year 2021-22. (21 KB). |
169. |
Maintenance of horticulture work at ZSI, New Alipore, Kolkata for the financial year 2021-22. (18 KB). |
170. |
Providing sanitisation services (as per COVID-19 guidelines) at ZSI office-cum-laboratory main building, annex building (New Alipore) and FPS building at Indian Museum, Kolkata’ during financial year 2021-22. (19.22KB). |
171. |
Maintenance of electrical installations, fans and lights etc. for ZSI, New Alipore, Kolkata’ during financial year 2021-22. (19.89 KB). |
172. |
Repair and renovation of ladies toilets at 4th , 5th & 6th floors and gents toilets at 3rd , 4th & 5th floors of main building at ZSI, New Alipore, Kolkata for the financial year 2021-22. (19.64 KB). |
173. |
Repairing and painting of corridors in the back side of gents and ladies toilets at ZSI laboratory cum office building at New Alipore, Kolkata’ during financial year 2021- 22. (19.37 KB). |
174. |
Maintenance of sub-ststion equipments and compound light for ZSI, New Alipore, Kolkata’ during financial year 2021-22. (18.63 KB). |
175. |
RMO motor pumping for ZSI, New Alipore, Kolkata’ during financial year 2021-22. (18.62 KB). |
176. |
RMO DG sets for ZSI, New Alipore, Kolkata’ during financial year 2021-22. (18.6 KB). |
177. |
MoEI & Fans, street lighting, RMO pumping set & DG set for office building for ZSI, DRC at Jodhpur, Rajasthan during 2021-22. (15 KB). |
178. |
Maintenance of horticulture work at ZSI, MARC, Digha for the financial year 2021-22. (20 KB). |
179. |
Extention of existing vehicle garage between office building & annex building campus of ZSI, New Alipore, Kolkata for the financial year 2021-22. (20.84 KB). |
180. |
A/R & M/O for ZSI office-cum-laboratory main building, annex building (New Alipore) for the fmancial year 2021-22. (19.22 KB). |
181. |
To print 2500 copies of booklet titled “A field guide on Shahtoosh” for Wildlife Crime Control Bureau through DAVP. (20.09 KB). |
182. |
Annual repair, maintenance and operation of DG set, water supply pump set, wet riser system etc. at ZSI , WGRC, Calicut for the financial year during 2021-22. (11 KB). |
183. |
A/R & IWO to residential building for ZSI at Solan during 2021-22 (14 KB). |
184. |
MoEI & fans i/c compound light& RMO set of residential colony of BSI & ZSI (Sub Work: ZSI colony) in ZSI, NRC, Kaulagarh Road, Dehradun, for the financial year during 2021-22. (16 KB). |
185. |
MoEI and fans, RMO water supply pump sets, compound lights and DG Set etc. in ZSI, ANRC, Portblair, for the financial year during 2021-22. (22 KB). |
186. |
Construction of visiting scientist hostel (Guest house) for ZSI at Port Blair. (8 KB). |
187. |
Annual repair, maintenance and operation of DG set, water supply pump set, wet riser system etc. at ZS1 , WGRC, Calicut for the financial year during 2021-22 (17 KB). |
188. |
Letter No. F.1-4/2021-2022/Budget/Minor works/8028 Dated: 18.06.2021 of Zoological Survey of India, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to place an amount to the extent of Rs. 9,89,181/- (Rs.Nine lakh eighty nine thousand one hundred Eighty one only ), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Officer, South Zone, CPWD, Rajaji Bhawan, Beasant Nagar, Chennai-600090 (PAO Code-
043951), under Demand No. 27, Major Head, 3435, Head of Account 3435. – Minor Works. (15 KB). |
189. |
RMO water supply pump sets. 13 passengers lift and I nol 125 KVA Diesel Generator set at ZSI, MBRC, Chennai for the financial year during 2021-22. (13 KB). |
190. |
MoEI & fans i/c street light in the compound office complex of ASI, BSI & ZSI(Sub work: ZSI building) in ZSI, NRC, Kaulagarh Road, dehradun , for the financial year during 2021-22. (15 KB). |
191. |
Maintenance of the Internal electrical installation, fans„ water supply pump sets, compound lights for residential quarter of ZSI, ANRC, Port Blair, for the financial year during 2021-22. (19 KB). |
192. |
Letter No. F.1-4/2021-2022/Budget/Minor works/8120 Dated: 18.06.2021 ofZoological Survey of India, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to place an amount to the extent of Rs. 4,90,300/- (Its. Four lakh ninety thousand three hundred only ), at the disposal of the The Pay and Accounts Officer, PAO(NZ), CPWD, Level-6, East block, R.K Puram, New Delhi-110066 (PAO Code-
043335), under Demand No. 27, Major Head, 3435, Head of Account 3435. — Minor Works (16 KB). |
193. |
Providing garden lighting with bollards fittings, post top tantern fitting, flood light fitting in garden area of ZSI, FBRC, Attapur, Hyderabad, for the financial year during 2021-22. (16 KB). |
194. |
Letter No. F.1-4/2021-2022/Budget/Minor works/8098 Dated: 18.06.2021 of Zoological Survey of India, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to place an amount to the extent of Rs. 9,92,419/- (Rs. Nine lakh Ninety two thousand four hundred nineteen only ), at the disposal of the The Pay and Accounts Officer, PAO Office, Food zone, CPWD 4th floor, I.P. Bhavan New Delhi-100011 (PAO
Code-043729), under Demand No. 27, Major Head, 3435, Head of Account 3435. — Minor Works. (11 KB). |
195. |
Repair and replacement of bore well work in ZSI, MARC, Digha, West Bengal during financial year 2021-22. (25 KB). |
196. |
Maintenance of EI & fans, compound lights, water supply pump set, fire fighting system and DG set at non-residential complex (Office building) of ZSI, CZRC, Jabalpur , for the financial year during 2021-22. (20 KB). |
197. |
Construction of National Museum and State of Art Auditorium in the premises of Estuarine Biology Research Centre, Gopalpur (11 KB). |
198. |
Construction of compound wall for National Coral Reef Research Institute, Port Blair. (24 KB). |
199. |
Letter No. S4(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2021-22/346 dated 23-06-2021 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Ets:17,40,145/- (Rs. Seventeen latch fourty thousand one hundred fourty five only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (SZ), Ministry of Urban Development, CPWD, Rajaji Bhawan, Besant Nagar Chennai-600090, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y 2021-22 (16 KB). |
200. |
Letter No. F.1-4/2021-2022/budget/Minor orks/7743 Dated: 04.06.2021 of ZSI, MoEF&CC you are here by authorized to place an amount to the extent of RS. 19,98,668(Rs. nineteen lakh ninety eight thousand six hundred sixty eight only), at the disposal of the Sr. Accounts Officer, PAO (EZ) M/o Urban Development, CPWD, 234/4, A.J.C Bose Road, Nizam Palacve, Kolkata- 700020(PAO Code- 043460) under Demand No.27 Major Head 3435 Head of Account 3435. -Minor Works (11 KB). |
201. |
Up- gradation of multipurpose hall of Zoological Survey of India office building at Patna for F.Y 2021-20 (14 KB). |
202. |
Letter NO. 218/2021/20.13 dated 25.05.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 95,000/- (Rs Ninety five thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (19.2 KB). |
203. |
Letter NO. 215/2021/20.13 dated 25.05.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 4,50,000/- (Rs Four lakh fifty thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22 (13.89 KB). |
204. |
Letter NO. 212/2021/20.13 dated 25.05.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 1,40,000/- (Rs One lakh fourty thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (15.58 KB). |
205. |
Letter NO. 221/2021/20.13 dated 25.05.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 5,68,284/- (Rs Five lakh sixty eight thousand two hundred eighty four only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22 (14.5 KB). |
206. |
Installation of lift for ZSI office building at Akrudi, Pune (9 KB). |
207. |
Construction of underground tanks of 1 lakh litre capacity at BSI campus, AZRC, jodhpur for F.Y 2021-22. (18.12 KB). |
208. |
Consultancy Service for Development pf BGIR, Noida (10.05 KB). |
209. |
Letter NO. 213/2021/20.13 dated 25.05.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 66,500/- (Rs Sixty six thousand five hundred only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (12 KB). |
210. |
Letter NO. 214/2021/20.13 dated 25.05.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 2,42,500/- (Rs Two lakh fourty two thousand five hundred only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (21.25 KB). |
211. |
Letter NO. 220/2021/20.13 dated 25.052021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 18,50,000/- (Rs Eighteen lakh fifty thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for E.Y. 2021-22. (19.2 KB). |
212. |
Letter NO. 219/2021/20.13 dated 25.05.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 3,50,000/- (Rs Three lakh fifty thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22(15.35 KB). |
213. |
Letter NO. 216/2021/20.13 dated 25.05.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 3,43,000/- (Rs Three lakh fourty three thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (5.4 KB). |
214. |
Letter NO. 217/2021/20.13 dated 25.05.2021 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 2,05,000/- (Rs Two lakh five thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development New Delhi, under Demand No. 27, Major Head 2406, Head of Account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2021-22. (63 KB). |
215. |
Publication of advertisement in Newspapers on Medini Puraskar Yojana 2021 during financial year 2021-22 . (18 KB). |
216. |
Cancellation of authorization of fund of Rs. 27,75,486/- issued in favour of Executive Engineer (E), Tezpur Electrical Division, CPWD, Tezpur, Assam. (20.05 KB). |
217. |
Conservation of Marine Dolphin (All Marine Mammals) of Lakshadweep Waters under the component ‘Recovery programme for saving critically endangered species’ of CSS- ‘Development of Wildlife Habitats’ -UT of Lakshadweep” during the FY 2020-21. (20.63 KB). |
218. |
Replacement of Wooden flooring with PVC flooring in the office of the Director Forest Education, Dehradun” for F.Y. 2020-21 (18.28 KB). |
219. |
Publication of Black and white advertisement for the engagement of manpower on Contractual basis under Nagar Van Yojna in National Afforestation Eco-Development Board, MoEFCC” during financial year 2020. (18.18 KB) |
220. |
Construction and installation of various items for barrier free build environment for disabled and elderly persons at BSI, WRC, Pune (17.96 KB) |
221. |
Implementation of Externally Aided Project of GOI-UNDP-GEF Securing Livelihoods, Conservation, Sustainable Use and Restoration of High Range Himalayan Ecosystems (SeCURE Himalaya) in Ladakh during the FY 2020-21. (18.1 KB). |
222. |
Supplying, installation, testing & Commissioning of split type air conditioner in director room at DFE, Dehradun for F.Y. 2020-21. (18.63 KB). |
223. |
Office renovation of civil work in the premises of WCCB. This work will be executed by Executive-Engineer (Civil), S Division, East Block-4, New Delhi-110066. (16.64 KB) |
224. |
Office renovation of electrical work in the premises of WCCB”. This work will be executed by Executive-Engineer (E), Electrical Division-17, CPWD, Trikoot-2, 3rd Floor, R. K Puram, New Delhi- 110066. (18.21 KB). |
225. |
Modernisation of existing museum & development of museum in the existing hall in ZSI, Port Blair and renovation of Internal electrical installations for F.Y 2020-21. (18.34 KB). |
226. |
Upgradation of office building of Botanical Survey of India (BSI), WRC,Koregaon Park, Pune. (18.2 KB). |
227. |
APO for Marine Wildlife Protection Watchers and establishment of Temporary Anti-poaching camps (uninhabited Island) in all the Protected Areas (PAS) of Lakshadweep under CSS- ‘Development of Wildlife Habitats’ -UT of Lakshadweep during the FY 2020-21. (18.72 KB). |
228. |
Letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2020-21/74 dated 28-01-2021 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 2,30,64,000/- (Rs. Two crore thirty lakh sixty four only), under Demand No. 25, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y 2020-21. (21.58 KB). |
229. |
Establishment of the Regional Museum of Natural History at Gangtok, Sikkim (19.29 KB). |
230. |
Horticulture work at Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, MoEF & CC, at Aliganj, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi, during FY 2020-21. (18.77 KB). |
231. |
APO of recovery programme for Snow Leopard under the Component Recovery Programme for Critically Endangered Species of CSS- Development of Wildlife Habitats- during the FY 2020-21. (18.46 KB). |
232. |
Publication of advertisement in Newspapers on Advisory on Exotic Live Species issued by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Changeduring financial year 2020-21. (25.23 KB). |
233. |
Releasing the advertisement for filling up of the post of Consultants/Research Associates on Contract basis in IA Division of Ministry of Environment, Forest and climate Change during financial year 2020-21 (17.99 KB). |
234. |
Letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2020-21/55 dated 19-01-2021 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs:4,45,000f (Rs. Four lakh forty five thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay& Accounts Office (SZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, Chennai, under Demand No. 25, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y 2020-21 (20.31 KB). |
235. |
Releasing the advertisement for filling up of the post of Consultants/Research Associates on Contract basis in IA Division of Ministry of Environment Forest and climate Change (18.05 KB). |
236. |
Letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2020-21/55 dated 19-01-2021 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 6,33,000/- (Rs. Six laid[ thirty three thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay& Accounts Office (SZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, Chennai, under Demand No. 25, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y 2020-21 (19.23 KB). |
237. |
Operation and maintenance of civil work at Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, MoEF&CC, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi, during FY 2020-21. (19.09 KB). |
238. |
Operation and maintenance of electric work at Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, MoEF&CC, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi, during FY 2020-21. (19.09 KB). |
239. |
Renovation of Canteen by CPWD, during FY 2020-21. (17.42 KB). |
240. |
Renovation of office museum for civil work at BSI, WRC, Pune.(17.21 KB). |
241. |
Providing & fixing tiling work and face lift work all around the main officebuilding BSI Kaulagarh Road, Dehradun (18.28 KB). |
242. |
RMO Automatic Wet Riser System in CNH Building at IBG, Shibpur, Howrah. (19.22 KB). |
243. |
Renovation of staff qtrs. At WRC, Pune. (19.22 KB). |
244. |
Implementation of scheme CSS-‘Development of Wildlife Habitats’ – Sukhana Sanctuary-Chandigarh ” during the FY 2020-21. (17.31 KB). |
245. |
Construction of compound wall for National Coral Reef Research Institute, Port Blair for F.Y 2020-21. (18.76 KB). |
246. |
Publication of Advertisement in Newspapers for the engagement of Consultant ‘B’ on Contractual basis in MoEF&CC (21.93 KB). |
247. |
Publication of Advertisement in Newspapers on Advisory issued by the MoEF&CC during financial Year 2020-2021 (19.41 KB). |
248. |
Letter No.54(Authj/CED-I/CCU/2020-21/505 dated 02-11-2020 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 1,40,00,000/- (Rs. One crore fourty lakh only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (NEZ), Ministry of Urban Development CPWD, Raja Villa, Malki point, Shillong, under Demand No. 25, Major Head 4406, Head of Account 4406. Major Works for F.Y. 2020-21 (18.52 KB). |
249. |
Letter No.54(Auth.)/CED-I/CCU/2020-21/505 dated 02-11-2020 of Civil Construction Unit MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 15,00,000/- (Rs. Fifteen lakh only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (NEZ), Ministry of Urban Development, CPWD, Raja Villa, Malki point, Shillong, under Demand No. 25, Major Head 4406, Head of Account 4406. Major Works for F.Y. 2020-21 (18.33 KB). |
250. |
Development work like retaining wall, connecting corridor, solar panel, barrier free access for differently abled people etc. In connection to c/o faunal repository of ZSI, Port Blair (18.07 KB). |
251. |
External painting for Type II, IV and V blocks and renovation of toilet at quarterNo. 5 (Type V) at the residential colony of MOEF&CC at Doresanipalya, Bangalore (20.13 KB). |
252. |
Installation of lift for ZSI office building at Akrudi, Pune.(17.9 KB). |
253. |
Revalidation of sanction for work of LED screens, Wifi, Mic system for conference room at faunal repository building at Solan for F.Y 2020-21. (16.48 KB). |
254. |
Publication of black and white advertisement in National Dailies (pan India) in English and Hindi newspapers and Employment News during financial year 2020-21. (18.79 KB). |
255. |
Annual Maintenance of Electrical Equipments, fans, lights, W.T/Split AC, KVA DG Set, Fire Fighting System & Pump etc. at NGT, PB, Faridkot House” during FY 2020-21. (17.27 KB). |
256. |
Publication of Black and white advertisement in National Dailies (Pan India) and Employment News during financial year 2020-21 (17.68 KB). |
257. |
Publication of black and white advertisement in National Dailies (Pan India), in English and Hindi each, and Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar during financial year 2020-21. (19.39 KB). |
258. |
Repair and renovation of toilet block in South Hostel First Floor at CASFoS, Dehradun for F.Y. 2020-21. (16.59 KB). |
259. |
Filling up 04 vacant posts of Research Officer (Environment) Grade-II on deputation including short term contract basis in Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change – publication of vacancy circular in the Employment News/Rojgar Samachars during financial year 2020-21. (18.81 KB). |
260. |
Letter No.54(Auth.)/CED-I/CCII/2020-21/506 dated 02-11-2020 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 27,75,486/- (Rs. Twenty seven lakh seventy five thousand four hundred eighty six only), under Demand No. 25, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425.00208.13.02.53- Major Works for F.Y. 2020-21. (20.52 KB). |
261. |
Letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2020-21/521 dated 11-11-2020 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs 50,00,000/- (Rs Fifty lakh only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (EZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, Kolkata, under Demand No. 25, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y 2020-21. (20.23 KB). |
262. |
Letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2020-21/521 dated 11-11-2020 of Civil Construction Unit MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs ‘50,00,000/- (Rs Fifty lakh only), at the disposal of the Pay Accounts Office (EZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, Kolkata, under Demand No. 25, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y 2020-21. (20.56 KB). |
263. |
Letter No.54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2020-21/475 dated 15-10-2020 of Civil Construction Unit MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 50,00,000/- (Rs. Fifty lakh only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (SZ), Ministry of Urban Development CPWD, Rajaji Bhawan, Besant Nagar Chennai- 600090, under Demand No. 25, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y. 2020- 21. (18.47 KB). |
264. |
RMO estimates of 1*250 KVA DG set 2*70 TRAC Plant & sub station at BSI, NRC, Dehradun for F.Y 2020-21. (16.89 KB). |
265. |
Letter No.54(Auth.)/CED-1/CCU/2020-21/476 dated 15-10-2020 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 26,00,000/- (Rs. Twenty six lakh only), at thedisposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (WZ), Ministry of Urban Development, CPWD, Mumbai under Demand No. 25, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y. 2020-21. (19.82 KB). |
266. |
Letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2020-21/416 dated 29-09-2020 of Civil Construction Unit MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs ‘26,45,200/- (Rs. Twenty Six lakh forty five thousand two hundred only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (SZ), CPWD Ministry of Urban Development, Chennai under Demand No. 25, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y 2020-21. (19.26 KB). |
267. |
Letter No. 54(Auth)/CED-1/CCU/2020-21/328 dated 14-08-2020 of Civil Construction Unit MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs ‘27,75,486/- (Rs. Twenty seven lakh seventy five thousand four hundred eighty six only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (NZE), Ministry of Urban Development, CPWD, Kolkata. under Demand No. 25, Major Head 5425, Head of Account 5425. Major Works for F.Y 2020-21. (18.65 KB). |
268. |
Consultancy Service to be rendered by CPWD of Development of BGIR, Noida (18.65 KB). |
269. |
Conservation of Arabian Sea Humpback Whale under the component ‘Recovery programme for saving critically endangered species of CSS- ‘Development of Wildlife Habitats’ -UT of Lakshadweep” during the FY 2020-21. (168.55 KB). |
270. |
Providing sanitisation services (as per COVID-19 guidelines) at ZSI office-cum-laboratory building, annex building and FPS building at Indian Museum during 2020-21. (149.86 KB). |
271. |
1.Supplying installation, testing and commissioning of submersible motor pumping set in existing bore well at ZSI, MARC, Digha West Bengal for Rs. 3,28,388/- and 2. Repair and replacement of bore well in ZSI, MARC, Digha West Bengal for Rs. 7,63,522/-‘ during 2020-21. (184.2 KB). |
272. |
Maintenance of electrical installation, fans and lights etc. at ZSI, New Alipore, Kolkata during 2020-21. (183.18 KB). |
273. |
Re-carpeting of internal road at the campus of CRC, BSI, Allahabad. (171.54 KB). |
274. |
Maintenance of sub-station equipment and compound light at ZSI, New Alipore, Kolkata’ during 2020-21. (182.3 KB). |
275. |
RMO motor pump set at ZSI, Kolkata during 2020-21.(179.63 KB). |
276. |
M/O of horticulture work at MARC, ZSI, office building, Digha, West Bengal’ during 2020-21. (182.26 KB). |
277. |
RMO wet raiser for fire fighting system at ZSI, Kolkata’ during 2020-21. (180.7 KB). |
278. |
RMO package AC plant in annex building at ZSI, New Alipore,Kolkata’ during 2020-21. (181.42 KB). |
279. |
RMO 3 nos. of Johnson make 13 passenger lift at ZSI,New Alipore, Kolkata’ during 2020-21. (183.67 KB). |
280. |
RMO DG set at ZSI, New Alipore, Kolkata’ during 2020-21. (181.72 KB). |
281. |
RMO automatic fire alarm system at ZSI, Kolkata during 2020-21. (183.6 KB). |
282. |
Rewiring in ZSI office building, Kaulagarh Road, Dehradun during 2020-21 (179.98 KB). |
283. |
External/Internal repair works of ZSI office building at Kaulagarh, Dehradun during 2020-21. (188.64 KB). |
284. |
Maintenance of prestigious Garden Area attached to NGT, PB, Faridkot House. (151.78 KB). |
285. |
MoEI & fans, compound lights & RMO pump set of residential colony in ZSI, Kaulagarh Road, Dehradun during 2020-21. (189.8 KB). |
286. |
Providing and Installation of new pump set, control panel and cable laying at ZSI, Jodhpur, Rajasthan during 2020-21. (196.51 KB). |
287. |
A/R and M/O to the residential building, ZSI, shillong for Rs. 2,08,850/-‘ during 2020-21 (185.34 KB). |
288. |
Letter No. F.1-4/2020-2021/Budget/Minor works/6474 Dated: 06.08.2020 ofZoological Survey of India, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to place an amount to the extent of Rs. 9,80,700/- (Rs. Nine Lakhs Eighty Thousand Seven Hundred Only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Officer (PAO), PAO Office, South Zone, Rajaji Bhavan, Central Public Works Department, Besant Nagar, Chennai-600090 (PAO Code- 043951), under Demand No. 25, Major Head, 3435, Head of Account 3435. — Minor Works (194.91 KB). |
289. |
Repair and Maintenance of office building at ZSI, Itanagar, A.P during 2020-21. (182.9 KB). |
290. |
Repairing of ZSI residential quarters, boundary wall at ZSI, Itanagar, A.P during 2020-21. (183.57 KB). |
291. |
Elevating floor height of transfoemer, HT panel, LT panel boards in LT room by MS frame work at ZSI, WGRC, Calicut during 2020-21 (195.48 KB). |
292. |
A/R and M/O to residential and non-residential building for ZSI at Jodhpur, Rajasthan during 2020-21. (180.61 KB). |
293. |
Letter No. F.1-4/2020-2021/Budget/Minor works/6438 Dated: 06.08.2020 ofZoological Survey of India, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to place an amount to the extent of Rs. 9,92,391/- (Rs. Nine Lakhs Ninety Two Thousand Three Hundred Ninety One Only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Officer, PAO Office (Ministry of Urban Development), Govt. of India, CPWD, South Zone, E2-C Wing, Rajaji Bhavan, Besant Nagar, Chennai-600070 (PAO Code- 043951), under Demand No. 25, Major Head, 3435, Head of Account 3435. — Minor Works (197.05 KB). |
294. |
Annual repair maintenance and operation of DG set, lift etc, at ZSI staff quarters, WGRC, Calicut’ during 2020-21. (197.46 KB). |
295. |
Repairing maintenance two nos. Sluice gate at AJCBIBG during 2020-21. (185 KB). |
296. |
Letter No.54(Auth.)/CED-I/CCU/2020-21/399 dated 23-09-2020 of Civil Construction Unit, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 90,00,000/- (Rs. Ninety lakh only), under Demand No. 25, Major Head 4406, Head of Account 4406. Major Works for F.Y. 2020-21 (184.79 KB). |
297. |
MoEI and fans, RMO water supply, pump sets with street lights and compound lights DG set in ANRC, ZSI, Staff Quarters, Port Blair’ during 2020-21 (191.72 KB). |
298. |
MoEI and fans, RMO water supply, pump sets with street lights, DGset in ANRC, ZSI, office building, Port Blair during 2020-21 (207.64 KB). |
299. |
Repairing and replacement damaged barbed wire fence i/c repairing of boundary wall in back side of office building and trimming of fallen tree branches i/c cleaning of campus at ZSI, New Alipore, Kolkata’ during 2020-21 (191.21 KB). |
300. |
Repairing/rehabthtating of drainage septic tank to prevent leakage and repairing damages/sinking drainage channel and M.H. with retaining wall at residential complex, ZSI, Solan during 2020-21 (176.06 KB). |
301. |
Replacement of old damaged, conventional fitting with LED fitting at residential campus at ZSI, Solan during 2020-21. (172.8 KB). |
302. |
Replacement of old damaged LT panel and feeder pillar at ZSI campus, Solan during 2020-21. (175.24 KB). |
303. |
MoEI and fans and RMO DG set, pumps and lift etc. at museumcum-office building and residential building for ZSI, Solan during 2020-21. (188.58 KB). |
304. |
Renovation of Horticulture work at ZSI, Attapur, Hyderabad during 2020-21. (151.58 KB). |
305. |
Maintenance of EI and fans, compound lights, water supply pump set, fire fighting system and DG set at ZS1 residential and non-residential complex at jabalpur ‘ during 2020-21. (176.87 KB). |
306. |
Maintenance of Horticulture work at ZSI, Kolkata’ during 2020-21 (198.43 KB). |
307. |
Repairing of ceiling/roof of Generator room and water tank for ZSI office-cum-laboratory building and annex building campus at New Alipore, Kolkata’ during 2020-21. (198.11 KB). |
308. |
Renovation of ladies toilet in third floor and gents toilet in second floor of main building at ZSI, New Alipore, Kolkata’ during 2020-21. (178.91 KB). |
309. |
Letter No. F.1-4/2020-2021/Budget/Minor works/6286 Dated: 03.08.2020 ofZoological Survey of India, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to place an amount to the extent of Rs. 9,97,420/- (Rs. Nine Lakhs Ninety Seven Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Only), at the disposal of the Sr. Accounts Office, Pay & Accounts Office, (EZ), Ministry of Urban Development, CPWD, Nizam Palace Complex, 234/4, A.J.C Bose Road, Kolkata (PAO Code-043460), under Demand No. 25, Major Head, 3435, Head of Account 3435. — Minor Works (196.99 KB). |
310. |
AR & MO for Zoological Survey of India office-cum-laboratory building and annex building at ZSI, New Alipore, Kolkata’ during 2020-21. (194.1 KB). |
311. |
Publication of advertisement in National Dailies, in English and Hindi each, and Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar for inviting applications for Empanelment of Counsels to represent the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change before the National Green Tribunal” during financial year 2020-21. (183.13 KB). |
312. |
RMO 1×250 KVA DG set and substation at NRC, Dehradun during 2020-21 (20.99 KB). |
313. |
Development of Horticulture work Sh: Landscaping and beautification around the Bicentenary Gate at AjCBIBG during 2020-21 (20.93 KB). |
314. |
MOEI & Fans including Street Light & RMO Pump Set of residential colony at NRC, Dehradun during 2020-21 (20.24 KB). |
315. |
Letter NO. 765/-2020/20.13 dated 25.08.2020 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 6,34,985/- (Rs Six Lakhs Thirty Four Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty Five Only), at the disposal of the pay Account Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, under Demand No. 25, Major Head 2406, Head of account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2020-21 (18.46 KB). |
316. |
Letter NO. 764-2020/2013 dated 25.082020 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an to the extent of Rs. 10,62,361/- (Rs Ten Lakhs Sixty Two Thousand Three Hundred Sixty One Only), at the disposal ofthe payAccounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development New Delhi, under Demand No. 25, Major Head 2406, Head of account 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2020-21 (18.51 KB). |
317. |
Improvement of Internal & External drainage system and repair boundary wall etc at NRC, Dehradun during 2020-21 (20.7 KB). |
318. |
MOEI & Fans, RMO water supply pump sets, compound lights etc. in main office building at ANRC Port Blair, during financial year 2020-21. (19.61 KB). |
319. |
Providing & Installation of two nos new submersible pumpmotor set for the two new borewell along with the accessories of CNH & AJCBIBG, Howrah during 2020-21. (19.01 KB). |
320. |
Letter NO. 766-2020/20.13 dated 25.08.2020 of IGNFA, MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 14,53,881/- (Rs Fourteen Lakhs Fifty Three Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty One Only), at the disposal Accounts Officer (NZ), CPWD, Ministry of Urban Development. New Delhi, under Demand No. 25, Major Head 2406, Head of 2406. Minor Works for F.Y. 2020-21. (17.23 KB). |
321. |
Publication of black and white advertisement in national dailies (pan india) in English and Hindi newspapers and Employment News” during financial year 2020-21. (22.88 KB). |
322. |
Letter No.54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2020-21/332 dated 17-08-2020 of Civil Construction Unit MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 31,66,000/- (Rs. Thirty one lakh sixty six thousand only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (SZ), Ministry of Urban Development CPWD, Rajaji Bhawan, Besant Nagar Chennai-600090, under Demand No. 25, Major Head 4406, Head of Account 4406. Works for F.Y. 2020-21 (26.95 KB). |
323. |
Letter No.54(Auth)/CED-I/CCU/2020-21/332 dated 17-08-2020 of Civil Construction Unit,MoEF&CC, you are hereby authorized to release an amount to the extent of Rs. 27,83,521/- (Rs. Twenty seven lakh eighty three thousand five hundred twenty one only), at the disposal of the Pay & Accounts Office (SZ), Ministry of Urban Development, CPWD, Rajaji Bhawan, Besant Nagar Chennai-600090, under Demand No. 25, Major Head 4406, Head of Account 4406. Major Works for F.Y. 2020-21. (23.55 KB). |
324. |
Conservation of Marine & Wildlife Resoures includes marine Flora & Fauna, Especially Dolphins, Sea Turtels (GIS Cell) of Lakshadweep water under the component Recovery Programme for Saving Critically endagered Species of CSS- Development of Wildlife Habitats- UT of Lakshadweep during F.Y 2020-21. (46.46 KB). |
325. |
Construction of faunal Repository of ZSI, ANRC, Port Blair. (45.52 KB). |
326. |
CSS- Development of Wildlife Habitats – Chang Thang Cold Desert Wildlife Sanctuary, Hemis High Altitude national Park Karakoram Shyok Wildlife Sanctuary, Bodkharboo Conservation Reserve in Union Territory of Ladakh during the F.Y 2020-21. (48.12 KB). |
327. |
Providing SITC of grid connected Rooftop Solar PV System With Net Metering at he residential Colony of MoEF&CC at Doresanipalya Bangalore (48.43 KB). |
328. |
A/R & M/O to Residential Quarters at Sector 43-A, Chandigard of Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change in Sector 31-A, Chandigarh. (47.96 KB). |
329. |
A/R & M/O to Environment Forest Building of Environment, Forest and Climate Change in Sector 31-A, Chandigarh for F.Y. 2020-21. (48.24 KB). |
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Construction of National Museum and State of Art Auditorium in the Premises of Estuarine Biology Research Centre, Gopalpur (45.68 KB). |
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Renovation of Civil Works at NGT, PB Faridkot House during FY- 2020-21. (37.58 KB). |
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Providing SITC of grid connected Rooftop Solar PV System With Net Metering at he residential Colony of MoEF&CC at Doresanipalya Bangalore. (38.58 KB). |
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RMO Motor Pumping Sets in non- residential area in AJCBIBG, during 2020-21. (495.68 KB). |
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Filling up the post of Library and Information Assistant in the MoEF&CC on deputation (Including Short-Term Contract)/ absorption basis. (504.21 KB). |
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MOEI & Fans Street Lights including repairs and maintenance of pump set and 40 KV DG Set of SRC, Coimbatore during 2020-21. (487.55 KB). |
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RMO Automatic Fire Alarm System in Central National Herbarium Building Howrah during 2020-21. (492.62 KB). |
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RMO Sub- Station and electrical installation in Central National Herbarium Building Howrah during 2020-21. (416.71 KB). |