Official Language (OL)
Official Language Division of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change functions under control of Scientist ‘G’/Advisor (Dr. Satish Chandra Garkoti). The O.L. Division comprises of Officials belonging to Central Secretariat Official Language Service, apart from logistic hands provided by this Ministry. The Division at present has a Director (Mr. Satya Parkash, Telephone : +91-11-24695446, E-mail : satyaparkash[dot]62[at]gov[dot]in), One Deputy Director, One Assistant Director, four Senior Translation Officer and five Junior Translation Officer.
Official Language Division of the Ministry is there to assist the Administrative Head of the Ministry in ensuring proper compliance of Official Language Policy of the Union as enshrined in the Constitution of India; envisaged in the Official Language Act; Official Language (Use for Official Purposes of the Union) Rules and orders of the Govt. of India issued from time to time in this regard. The Division is also required to assist the Administrative Head of the Ministry to achieve itemwise targets as laid down in the Annual Programme for transacting the Official work of the Union in Hindi; in the Divisions of the Ministry and its all Attached/Subordinate offices, PSUs, Autonomous Bodies, Authorities and Boards as well.
In order to ensure compliance of the Official Language Policy of the Union, the following areas of work in Official Language Division of the Ministry are given utmost priority:
- Compliance of the Presidential Orders on the recommendations of the Committee of Parliament on Official Language constituted under Chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs, comprising 20 Hon’ble Members of Parliament from Lok Sabha and 10 Hon’ble Members of Parliament from Rajya Sabha;
- Compliance of the decisions taken in the meeting of Kendriya Hindi Samiti constitued under the Chairmanship of The Hon’ble Prime Minister;
- Compliance of the decisions taken in the meeting of Hindi Salahkar Samiti constituted under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister/ MOS(IC)/MOS of the Ministry;
- Compliance of the decisions taken in the meeting of Kendriya Rajbhasha Karyanvayan Samiti constituted under the chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary/Secretary (OL);
- Compliance of the decisions taken in the meeting of Official Language Implementation Committee of the Ministry constituted under the chairmanship of Scientist ‘G’/Advisor (O.L. Incharge).
The O.L.Division of the Ministry is required to ensure the following on priority basis :
- Time bound compliance of the assurances given to the Hon’ble Committee of Parliament on Official Language during inspections made from time to time;
- Arranging translation of documents coming under purview of Sec. 3(3) of the O.L. Act; (e.g. Resolutions, General Orders, Rules, Notifications, Administrative or others reports or Press communiques, and official papers laid before a House or the Houses of Parliament; Contracts and Agreements executed, and licences, permits, Notices and Forms of tender etc.); the works related to translation of all statutes, statutory rules, regulations and ordinances including forms connected with them fall under jurisdiction of Legislative Department of the Ministry of Law & Justice and this work is done by the Official Language Wing of that Department; whereas Non-statutory material needs to be translated by Central Translation Bureau under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, Deptt. of Official Language.
- Ensuring training in Hindi Language (Praboth, Praveen & Pragya standard), Hindi Typing, Hindi Stenography and translation from English to Hindi and vice-versa.
- Preparing periodical reports (e.g. quarterly, six monthly and Annual Report) with regard to implementation of Official Language Policy of the Union and Progressive use of Hindi in official transactions, based on the information gathered from the Divisions/Sections in the Ministry and its Allied/Subordinate offices, PSUs, Autonomous Bodies, Authorities and Boards etc. (Proforma for these reports as well as other relevent information can be had from the portal of the Deptt. of Official Language i.e
Official Language Division of the Ministry, in addition to above items of work, is required to create an atmosphere for encouraging the officials to carry out their more and more official work conveniently in Hindi and to achieve this goal by :-
- Organising Hindi workshops/Seminars/symposia;
- Organising Hindi Fortnight;
- Enhancing bilingual facilities in the existing electronic systems to carry out day-to-day official transaction conveniently in Hindi;
- Encouraging officials to write articles etc. in Hindi for publishing the same in the “Paryavaran” magazine of the Ministry;
- Message of Hon’ble Home Minister on “Hindi Day”
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- Message of The Cabinet Secretary on “Hindi Day”
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