Desertification Cell Archive
Desertification Cell Archive
The Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management (SLEM) Programme
The Sustainable land and Ecosystem Management (SLEM) Programme is a joint initiative of the Government of India and the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) under the latter’s Country partnership Programme (CPP).
The objective of the SLEM Programmatic Approach is to promote sustainable land management and use of biodiversity as well as maintain the capacity of ecosystems to deliver goods and services while taking into account climate change
The GEF programmatic approach can be defined as a long-term and strategic arrangement of individual yet interlinked projects aimed at achieving large-scale impacts on the global environment. It seeks to achieve these impacts by providing recipient countries, the GEF, and other GEF stakeholders synergies across the Focal Areas of the GEF within the framework of national and regional sustainable development; by catalyzing action and replicating successes and innovations; by maximizing and scaling up global environmental benefits; and by enabling donors and other partners to invest additional and focused funding based on the scope of the program.
SLEM – A Brief Introduction
In the 11th Plan document, the Government of India has placed a high priority on raising agricultural productivity to achieve annual growth of more than 4.1 .The plan acknowledges that this target cannot be achieved in the face of ongoing shrinking and degradation of the country’s natural resources; it therefore commits to conservation and to harnessing and developing the natural resource base.
The plan further acknowledges that in order to be effective, sustainable land and ecosystem management must contribute directly to poverty reduction at household and community levels, in addition to maintaining land quality and ecosystem integrity.
To contribute to the implementation of the 11th Plan, the Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management Country Partnership Program (SLEM CPP) was developed. The overall objective of the SLEM partnership is to contribute to poverty alleviation in India by promoting enhanced efficiency of natural resource use, improved land and ecosystem productivity, and reduced vulnerability to extreme weather events, including the effects of climate change. Specifically, the partnership will support:
- Prevention and/or control of land degradation by restoration of degraded (agricultural and forested) lands and biomass cover to produce, harvest, and utilize biomass in ways that maximize productivity, as well as by carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable use of natural resources;
- Enhancement of local capacity and institution building to strengthen land and ecosystem management;
- Facilitation of knowledge dissemination and application of national and international good practices in SLEM within and across states; and,
- Replication and scaling up of successful land and ecosystem management practices and technologies to maximize synergies across the UN Conventions on Biological Diversity (CBD), Climate Change (UNFCCC), and Combating Desertification (UNCCD) conventions.
Implementation Arrangements
The Desertification Cell, MoEF is the national executing agency for the SLEM programmatic approach. ICFRE, Dehradun has been designated as the Technical Facilitation organisation for the SLEM programme. All the 7 sub projects have a full fledged Project Management Unit with a Project Manager, Project Director (a senior government officer) and Project Steering Committee (chaired by a senior government officer). However, the responsibility of coordinating the SLEM programmatic approach as a whole and, to ensure SLEM principles are appropriately integrated into our national/ state level policies and programs lies with MoEF.
SLEM NSC was constituted on 31st March 2009 with specific responsibilities and is chaired by additional Secretary, MoEF to ensure effective participation not only from the 7 sub projects but also by the concerned line Ministries of GoI and other institutions working in SLEM sector.
SLEM is a multiagency initiative supported by the World Bank, UNDP, and FAO, and is designed to engage national and state-level agencies. Through a combination of capital investments, policy and regulatory incentives, and public participation, the SLEM CPP aims to provide a critical mass of financial resources and technical knowledge to mainstream integrated and strategic approaches into investments in sustainable land and ecosystem management.
As a leading implementing agency, the World Bank brings to the partnership substantial IDA/IBRD resources under its ongoing lending program for rural and agricultural development in India. The Government of India/ State Government’s contribution to the program is substantial, in the form of co-financing of all program activities. As partnering agencies, UNDP and FAO will contribute with initiatives focusing on capacity building, knowledge dissemination, and promotion of best conservation practices that will be further scaled up through the partnership.
As mentioned above, to generate the maximum benefits from such a multi-sectoral and multi-partner approach, the SLEM CPP has established a dedicated, program-level management and coordination function in the form of a medium-size project (MSP) titled Policy and Institutional Reform for Mainstreaming and Up-scaling Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management in India. The sharing of lessons learned and emerging results tracked by an M&E mechanism will be an integral part of each component project included in the program, as well as of the program as a whole. The M&E functions will form the basis for the outreach, knowledge base, mainstreaming, and scaling up of successful policy initiatives. If the SLEM partnership meets its objectives, a follow-up grant from the GEF will be requested. Future plans also include expanding the partnership to include other international financial institutions and donor contributions, and eventually leveraging additional donor financing.
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Land for Life Award
Rewarding Leadership for Sustainable Land Management
The Land for Life Award was launched at the tenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) seeking to promote efforts for sustainable land management (F/A). The 2012 Land for Life award is a collaboration between the UNCCD and the Korea Forest Service, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Global Environment Facility, International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Qatar National Food Security Programme, the Business Forum in Korea and the Elion Resources Group, China.
The Land for Life Award will provide global recognition to individuals, teams, institutions, businesses, research institutes, public offices, political leaders, decision-makers, journalists, media, nongovernmental organizations and civil society organizations whose work and initiatives have made a significant and innovative contribution to sustainable land management.
The Award will reward initiatives which contribute directly or indirectly to the regeneration and/or enhancement of soils’ natural health and productive capacity or to the sustainable regeneration of depleted or drought affected lands. It recognizes innovative achievements which favour collaborative schemes, partnership-building across sectors, free knowledge sharing and capacity building, empowerment of vulnerable and marginalized groups and communities, and which foster gender equality, cultural diversity and social inclusion.
- Why Create the Land for Life Award
- Objectives
- The Prize
- Partners; Sponsors
- Application Form
- Selection Criteria
- Jury
- Terms; Conditions
In 2012, three awards will be granted from an amount up to USD 100,000. The use of the award money is limited to scaling-up the award-winning sustainable land management activity. The recipients of the Award will receive rewards in accordance to the kind of activities for which they are honoured, and free transportation and accommodation to attend the presentation ceremony on the occasion of the 11th session of the UNCCD’s next Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention. The laureates will be notified in June 2012.
A jury to determine winners is composed of qualified and geographically balanced experts and renowned men and women in the field of development, sustainable land management and soil science. The Jury comprising of ten prominent leaders (F/C) from the field of sustainable land management will select the award winners and determine the prize money allocation. The Jury includes Dr. Vandana Shiva, environmentalist and founder Nevdanya International, from India.
Other jury members includes: Professor Mick Dodson, a prominent indigenous land rights advocate and the 2009 Australian of the Year; and Ms. Yolanda Kakabadse, President of WWF International and former Minister of the Environment in Ecuador, Dr. Camilla Toulmin, Director, International Institute for Sustainable Development in the UK; Dr. Mary Seely, Founder, Desert Research Foundation of Namibia, and Dr. Dennis Garrity, UNCCD Drylands Ambassador and former Director General of the World Agroforestry Centre in Kenya. Dr. Joachim von Braun, Director of the Center for Development Research in Germany, and Dr. Naomi Kipuri, a Masaai anthropologist and Executive Director of the Arid Lands Institute in Kenya, Dr. Don Koo Lee, who is also currently the president of the tenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP10) to the UNCCD and Mr. Luc Gnacadja, Executive Secretary of the UNCCD.
The deadline for applications is 30 March 2012.
The winners will be announced on the World Day to Combat Desertification on 17 June 2012, and honoured at the 11th session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention.
Download the brochure: LAND FOR LIFE
For more information:
E-mail: L4L[at]unccd[dot]int
Postal address:
Land for Life Award UNCCD
P.O. Box 260129 53153
Phone: +49 (0) 228 815 2831